State of the Desmos

Hi mathlings! It’s been over a year since we launched at TechCrunch Disrupt NYC, where we first unveiled our browser-based education software. Today, our founder & CEO, Eli, sat down with Jordan Crook at Disrupt SF to talk about Desmos, the calculator, and what’s ahead. Check out the full video below:

When we first started focusing on building a web based calculator, we planned on modeling the software on the current hardware out there, since it was what people were familiar with. For example, we thought we’d only show about 10 equations at a time (why would you ever need more than that?). We were quickly convinced otherwise. After Desmos power user Shaunak graphed the Aston Martin logo with 100 expressions, we realized that the potential for creating mathematical art was astonishing. We decided to let go of any preconceived notions of how a calculator should look and act, and build something completely new.

For the record, the most equations to date in a graph is 480, in a fantastic chess board creation by Eric. Can you beat that? Hint: try a cartoon character - those are among the most intricate and stunning graphs we’ve seen!

In short, we’ve learned, changed, and grown a tremendous amount since our launch last year, and we have our wonderful users to thank for that.