Friday Fave for October 27

The snow has begun to fly in the land of the Friday Fave. A bit early perhaps, but it was due sooner or later. Plus, there’s an upside. Frozen water means less friction, which puts the Friday Fave in the mood for a good slalom.

If your precipitation isn’t frozen, or your skis are inaccessible, or the absolute values of the slopes in your nearby terrain are all too close to zero, then you’ll need to keep your slaloms electronic. Fortunately, the Friday Fave is here to help with that!

The Fave presents Parabola Slalom. Send a parabola through a series of gates. Any parabola that works counts, and creativity is encouraged.

As usual, things begin informally. Transform the parabola by moving some points around.

Soon, things become more formal. You have to define your parabola symbolically.

Eventually, we’re asking you to design your own slaloms. Can you design one that cannot be solved?

Simple entry to meaningful and challenging tasks. That’s what makes Parabola Slalom this week’s Friday Fave.

While you’re thinking about parabolas, maybe check out the following additional parabola-related activities.


Polygraph: Parabolas: Understanding (h,k)

Match My Parabola

What’s My Transformation?