Polygraph: Custom Edition

As soon as we released Polygraph, teachers asked for two things:

(1) Quadrilaterals, and

(2) The ability to make their own.


This was the easy part. Today we give you two (TWO!) versions of Polygraph: Quadrilaterals. There is the basic version and the advanced one. You and your students can play either one, or both. If your goal is to lay the groundwork for the standard hierarchy of quadrilaterals, Polygraph: Basic Quadrilaterals is a great place to start. If your goal is to challenge your students to notice and describe subtle but important differences among geometric figures, Polygraph: Advanced Quadrilaterals is right in your wheelhouse.


Building your own Polygraph

Given that one of the Desmos guiding principles is Trust Teachers, we knew what was the right thing to do when teachers asked to build their own Polygraph versions.


And now we have done it, so you can have at it. Welcome to Custom Polygraph.

You pick a name for your version of Polygraph. You make 16 graphs using our familiar graphing calculator interface. You save it. You use it in class. Easy peasy.

Anything you can put in the usual Desmos graphing calculator interface you can put in a Polygraph example: graphs, images, points, etc. Want to make your own polygons? Graph line segments and turn off the axes (or leave them on: coordinate geometry, anyone?)

You can tweak your custom Polygraph before or after you use it in class—it’s totally editable.

You can send your friends the link and they’ll be able to use it, too. (Don’t worry—they can’t edit yours; they’ll have to make their own if they want to build on your ideas.)

Click here to get started.