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Friday Fave for February 16

This week’s Friday Fave is the community of math teachers of which Desmos is fortunate to be a part.

Teaching is difficult work. As we were all reminded this week, teaching is occasionally needlessly dangerous work. Above all, teaching is important work.

Because teaching is important, we take our role in the community seriously. We build tools that let students and teachers make amazing things.

We share some of those amazing things on our website in a form where other community members can open them up, learn from them, modify and remix them.

A number of our favorite activities (such as Land the Plane) began as activities that someone in the community built, and then we applied a coating of Des-polish to them, crediting the folks who let us build on their ideas.

We have a few activities that have been translated (such this one in Dutch, and this one in French), each because a community member asked for the ability to do that work, and then let us share the results.

We are grateful for this community. We learn from all of you. We work hard to contribute. Whether we’ve connected on Twitter, through the calculator, through activities, or in person at a conference or event, know that we want to support our fellow community members and we thank you for working together on our common mission.

Friday Fave for February 9

In this season of awards, the Friday Fave is thinking about movies, which have gotten expensive. Back when the Fave was a child, why movies only cost….

Well, what’s your guess?

Go ahead and formalize that guess with this week’s Friday Fave: Predicting Movie Ticket Prices. The first thing we’ll have you do is consider the general form of the relationship between time and ticket prices.

Sketch that relationship.

If you and your classmates are a typical collection of diverse-minded people, this simple act of sketching will generate something to discuss. In just the small sample above, we could talk about whether the relationship is linear or non-linear; whether it makes more sense to use discrete points or a continuous curve, and when (if ever) the relationship should end.

By the end of the activity, we’ll show you a whole lot more data, and we’ll ask you to identify an interesting feature of the graph, and to interpret its meaning in terms of movie ticket prices. Perhaps you and your classmates will be more like-minded this time.

Even if you don’t have a diversity of thought about what’s interesting, there’s something to talk about. What happened? Math helps you ask a question about economics, or maybe about technology, or cultural trends, or something else altogether.

Informal mathematical ideas leading to inquiry inside and outside of mathematics is the mission in Predicting Movie Ticket Prices, this week’s Friday Fave.

While you’re provoking thinking with data plots, give these other activities a look too:

Polygraph: Scatter Plots

Commuting Times

Area v. Perimeter

Desmos + Two Truths and a Lie

I’m absolute junk in the kitchen (Dan Meyer speaking) but I’m trying to improve. I marvel at the folks who go off recipe, creating delicious dishes by sight and feel. That’s not me right now. But I’m also not content simply to chop vegetables for somebody else.

I love the processes in the middle – like seasoning and sautéing. I can use that process in lots of different recipes, extending it in lots of different ways. It’s the right level of technical challenge for me right now.

In the same way, I’m enamored lately of instructional routines. These routines are sized somewhere between the routine administrative work of taking attendance and the non-routine instructional work of facilitating an investigation or novel problem. Just like seasoning and sautéing, they’re broadly useful techniques, so every minute I spend learning them is a minute very well spent.

For example, Estimation 180 is an instructional routine that helps students develop their number sense in the world. Contemplate then Calculate helps students understand the structure of a pattern before calculating its quantities. Which One Doesn’t Belong helps students understand how to name and argue about the names of mathematical objects.

I first encountered the routine “Two Truths and a Lie” in college when new, nervous freshmen would share two truths about themselves and one lie, and other freshmen would try to guess the lie.

Marian Small and Amy Lin adapted that icebreaker into an instructional routine in their book More Good Questions. I heard about it from Jon Orr and yesterday we adapted that routine into our Challenge Creator technology at Desmos.

We invite each student to create their own object – a circle graph design in primary; a parabola in secondary.

We ask the student to write three statements about their object – two that are true, and one that is a lie. They describe why it’s a lie.

Here are three interesting statements from David Petro’s circle graph design. Which is the lie?

  • The shaded part is the same area as the non shaded part.
  • If these were pizzas, there is a way for three people to get the same amount when divided.
  • If you double the image you could make a total of 5 shaded circles.
And three from Sharee Herbert’s interesting parabola. Which is the lie?

  • The axis of symmetry is y=-2.
  • The y-intercept is negative.
  • The roots are real.
Then we put that thinking in a box, tie a bow around it, and slide it into your class gallery.

The teacher encourages the students to use the rest of their time to check out their classmates’ parabolas and circle graphs, separate lies from truth, and see if everybody agrees.

Our experience with Challenge Creator is that the class gets noisy, that students react to one another’s challenges verbally, starting and settling mathematical arguments at will. It’s beautiful.

So feel free to create a class and use these with your own students: