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Welcoming Districts and Schools to the Desmos 2020-21 Middle School Math Program

In January, we announced our core middle school math program, which pairs the open-source middle school curriculum from OpenUp Resources/Illustrative Mathematics with powerful technology, humanizing pedagogy, and intuitive design from Desmos.

We were extremely grateful to receive interest from thousands of sites and teachers. In order to provide the best possible support for as many partners as possible, we’ve decided to limit participation this year to a small set of applicants.

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Ani's Math Story

I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with math, leaning heavily towards the latter. It was always something I was good at, but didn’t enjoy. Quite frankly, it still stuns me on a regular basis that I’ve ended up working for a math company. Let me try to parse this out by saying that math has been intrinsically tied to every definitive choice I’ve made, consciously or unconsciously.

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