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Do More With Computation Layer

It’s no secret. Team Desmos loves teachers and loves it when teachers use our tools to show their creativity. Inspired by your enthusiasm and your creative work, we make many of the activities on teacher.desmos.com publicly available to copy and edit. Want to have your students create virtual fields for virtual cows? Take Build a Bigger Field and make it your own! Want to add extension questions to Lego Prices? Go ahead and make a copy!

Have you tried it? Did you get the following message?

"To edit this activity, you need to enable Computation Layer"

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Desmos in Texas

We’ve heard a lot of confusion this past month about whether students can use Desmos during the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR).

After several weeks of late nights, and with input from many of you, we’re thrilled to announce that the STAAR version of our Test Mode apps now complies with the Texas graphing calculator policy. To celebrate, we’ve added Texas to the map on www.desmos.com/testing. There, you’ll find detailed information on the differences between STAAR mode and the regular graphing calculator.

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How Might You Launch a Lesson?

Let’s say you’ve chosen an engaging lesson to use with your students, and now you’re sitting down to plan your instruction. You know you have a context that will make sense to your students, and you know the questions that arise in that context will be both challenging and productive. You’re hoping to launch the task to engage students with the context and with an understanding of what mathematical question they’ll be answering through their work, then give them time to work collaboratively, and finally bring them together to share strategies, formalize methods, and introduce or refine any relevant vocabulary.

How might you get them started in this context? How might you launch your lesson?

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