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Newly Released Scientific Notation Activity

There are things in life that science teachers and math teachers disagree on. Is 0.1 equal to 0.10? Do all numbers require units? Is a ratio different from a rate?

But there is one thing that math and science teachers can always agree on—teaching scientific notation is a strangely difficult thing to do.

Desmos isn’t here to tell you that we’ve solved this problem, but we are here to tell you that we’ve built a thing that makes this difficult thing a bit more fun.

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Time Saving Tips in Activity Builder

My colleague Sean Sweeney suggested a post on time-saving tips in Activity Builder, to share with all who work with this tool. So I put out a quick call to the rest of my colleagues, and the result is the following list.

If you’re a regular user of Activity Builder, I hope there is something new for you on the list, just as there was for me.

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How Might You Know?

“Is this right?”

A seemingly simple question with a seemingly simple answer.

One thing I have learned in the classroom is that each side of this dialogue is anything but. There are hidden assumptions about power, authority, and ownership of ideas. One thing I have wondered is: How can I make small tweaks in my practice to move away from being the arbiter of right and wrong?

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