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Friday Fave: Summer Learning

Summer is beginning here in the Northern Hemisphere.

School years are ending.

For most teachers, this means that plans are ramping up for some quality professional learning time (and hopefully some relaxation time too—you’ve earned it!)

This week, the Friday Fave brings you a Top Three list for summer professional learning.

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Friday Fave: Space Separators

The Friday Fave is enjoying some late spring warmth and sunshine, and did you know that sunshine comes from 149600000000 meters away?

It’s pretty hard to read that number isn’t it? This next version might be easier: 149 600 000 000. Quite recently, our graphing calculator began inserting those spaces in large numbers. It also began accepting spaces you type yourself.

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Announcing the Fourth Cohort of Desmos Fellows

Three years ago we launched our first ever Desmos Fellowship, and from that moment Desmos was forever changed. Our goal at Desmos is to help students learn math and love learning math, and we need teachers to make that goal a reality. The Desmos fellowship has proven to be an essential way for us to stay in touch with teachers so that we design tools that ensure that math is for everyone.

We have invited 41 teachers to participate in the Desmos Fellowship through which they’ll receive community, mentorship, early access to our best ideas and technology, and a free trip to our headquarters in San Francisco this July.

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