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Friday Fave for March 8

We know that feedback is valuable. It is necessary for helping students improve rapidly. But not all feedback is created equal.

For example, consider evaluative feedback in which the student is told whether their response is right or wrong. In many circumstances, this can be frustrating and unhelpful—especially if the student is really struggling to understand a concept. In such cases, “wrong” may offer no guidance for improvement besides “guess again”.

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Friday Fave for March 1

Computation Layer is the glue that holds complex Desmos activities together.

Like math, Computation Layer can be challenging to learn. Also like math, you can learn if you want to.

Here at Desmos, we’ve got plenty of resources to support you in that journey.

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Friday Fave for February 22

Let’s say you want to poll your students on the number of days they spend each week watching television. Now, let’s assume that you want to do something meaningful with that information. A dot plot should do the trick. Luckily, Desmos has already answered that prayer and you can go desmos.com/calculator to quickly make a beautiful, pristine dot plot in seconds. Organize your data into a list and tell the calculator you want to make a dotplot.

Animation of typing numbers into a list and then making a dot plot of that list

Now the tough part, how do you get all this class data collected into a graph that each student can work with?

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