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Friday Fave for November 30

The Friday Fave is keeping it simple this week. One feature that makes certain situations just a bit more delightful.

Zooming in the Desmos graphing calculator has always been easy. Scroll wheels and track pads alike zoom your view in or out quickly and smoothly.

Recently, we introduced a little bit of magic to give you just a bit more control over your zooming. Hover your cursor over an axis, press SHIFT, click and drag.

Now you’re changing the scale on one axis at a time. A simple little upgrade to your zooming experience is this week’s Friday Fave.

Friday Fave for November 16

Feedback comes in many forms. We can give feedback by evaluating a response as correct or incorrect in order to report a score. Alternatively, we can reflect back what we hear from another person, support them in considering if that is what they really mean, and allow them to make revisions until what they are trying to communicate is consistent with how it is being received.

In Land the Plane, students see that their slope is incorrect if the plane doesn’t land on the runway. They can refine their thinking in an effort to be successful - and to learn how to compute the slope of a line.

In Match my Parabola, Students see the parabola that corresponds to an equation they submit. Students are empowered to use this feedback to modify their equation, and move on when they are satisfied, resulting in increased student learning and motivation.

In Laser Challenge, students see the angles they selected cause a laser and mirror to animate to get feedback on the accuracy of their predictions. Through revisions, students develop their intuition for angle measures and properties of reflections.

Being told an answer hinders motivation and discourages revision. It implies that someone else already knows the answer and that your thinking is insufficient.

Being shown what you’re saying without judgment supports thinking more deeply. It can make the goal feel attainable which encourages learning through revision. That’s why interpretive feedback is this week’s Friday Fave.

Friday Fave for November 9

The Friday Fave is a big fan of tasks with more than one right answer. If the Fave asks Which One Doesn’t Belong? you’d better believe each of the options can be a right answer. If the Fave asks How do you know? well, it’s because the Fave really doesn’t know how you know, but really would like to, and there’s more than one right way of knowing.

So it is with the newest Desmos activity, Coin Capture. The challenge is write equations for lines that go through the coins, capturing them along the way.

In the introductory challenge, you can get them all with one line. But that’s just Desmos getting you started. As the screen numbers increase, so does the complexity of the challenge. Here are four solutions to the challenge on screen 3.

While we keep track of the number of lines you used, that’s not the only way to describe these. What kinds of thinking is behind each of the solutions above? Which is most interesting? Which one doesn’t belong? Posing the task is straightforward, but there are many right answers that vary in interesting ways. That’s the kind of thing that qualifies an activity for the Friday Fave.

Also there’s a challenge creator.

Now, while you’re thinking about coins and/or targets in the coordinate plane, here are three more delightful activities:

Penny Circle

Marbleslides: Lines

Mini Golf Marbleslides